Yesterday we hosted our Nazarene missionaries to Africa, Don & Evie Gardner. They did an amazing job sharing with us stories from the field and the Word of God. I was moved as Don shared about some of our churches who are experiencing persecution. My eyes teared up as I heard the great difficulty it took for our believing brothers and sisters to gather and worship. It took time, great risk, and was difficult. I thought of how easily I… we are distracted. I thought how much we demand to make our services worthy of our time and attention. It was sobering to once again embrace the privilege it is to gather and to worship. If we can embrace and hold on to this truth, our worship times will be rich and holy.
I would encourage you to
1. Watch our service with Don & Evie
2. Ask God to search and convict your heart
3. Embrace the gift of worship
4. Practice grateful worship