Spiritual growth
Resources for the 300 Level courses Pastor James teaches. This level focuses on spiritual growth.
301 How To Grow
An introduction to how to grow closer to God.
VIDEO: 302 Baptism​ (7:52)
302 Baptism
Teaching on what baptism is and how to get baptized at the Camarillo Church of the Nazarene
VIDEO: 302 Baptism​ (14:33)
303 Prayer
Teaching on what prayer is and how to pray
VIDEO: 303 Pray​ (6:42)
PrayerLife App
305 Devotions
Teaching on what the Bible is and how to read it
VIDEO: 305 Devotions​ (3:47)
My Upmost For His Highest (Kindle)
Jesus Calling (Kindle)
306 Giving
Teaching on what the Bible says about financial giving
VIDEO: 306 Giving (17:27)
307 Fasting
Teaching on what the Bible says about fasting
VIDEO: 307 Fasting (6:47)
308 Testimony
Teaching on what is a testimony and how you can get started
VIDEO: 308 Testimony (3:41)
309 Healthy Lifestyle
Teaching on why a healthy lifestyle is important to our faith
VIDEO: 309 Healthy Lifestyle (6:52)
311 Small Groups
An introduction on what Small Groups are and how to get involved at CamNaz.
VIDEO: 311 Small Groups​ (7:04)
Small Group hosting: camnaz.org/host